Vision for Progress Starts with You!

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Dear Fellow Islander,

First and foremost, the Grosse Ile Taxpayer Association (GITA) hopes that your family, friends, neighbors and you are doing well and enjoying life on the Island. This is a great community, and the GITA believes that Township government has an important role in keeping it that way while making positive changes when necessary.

During the 2020 Primary and General Elections, a group of seven candidates ran for the Township Board under the shared vision of the Grosse Ile 2020 Candidates Team to make Township government more effectively address existing challenges while seeking to create new opportunities.

At that time, there was a growing feeling that Township's politics had become too quarrelsome while the incumbent Township Board majority was failing to make progress on important public policy priorities while essential Township government services were under increasing budgetary stress.

Shortly after the 2020 General Election, it became apparent to the key citizen supporters of the Grosse Ile 2020 Candidates Team that the five members who were elected would be more likely to succeed in making positive change if they were provided with more backing from the community. The GITA was formed to provide this backing while also seeking to hold these elected official accountable for living up to their campaign promises.

We invite you to read the GITA’s Platform developed by the GITA’s Board of Directors to learn about our values and public policy priorities for working with all Islanders to establish a consensus on how to improve the performance of Township government. 

Working together, we will implement the vision for progress to ensure Grosse Ile's best days are yet to come!