Clements Library Tour, June 6

The Book Club of Detroit enjoyed a visit to the William C. Clements Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus. This gracious and historic building houses books, manuscripts, maps, and other materials related to American history, primarily the 18th and 19th centuries. Library Director Paul Erickson, Director of Development Angela Oonk, and Development Coordinator Helen Harding were our gracious hosts. A sampling from the Clements’ collections was on display for our examination, plus we were treated to a tour of the stunning Avenir Foundation Reading Room.

BCD members examine a sampling from the Clements' many collections.

BCD members examine a sampling from the Clements’ many collections.

A first-person account, "Mr. John Dodge During His Captivity of Many Months Among the British At Detroit".

One of the many rare items on the display table.

Avenir Foundation Room

The stunningly beautiful Avenir Foundation Reading Room at the Clements Library.

Detail from the Avenir Foundation Reading Room.

A view of part of the Avenir Foundation Reading Room.

Group photo from Clements Library visit.

The Book Club of Detroit is most grateful to our gracious hosts, Paul, Angela, and Helen!